Experience the exquisite aroma of our handmade Bakhoor, crafted with noble ingredients

Premium quality Bakhoor

Fumigation end without any unpleasant burning odors
Let's fumigate, not intoxicate. Our Bakhoor is smokeless
lighted incense
lighted incense
white smoke on brown wooden table
white smoke on brown wooden table

The scent is unique & mesmerizing. Highly recommended!

Happy Customers

Our Mission

Create unforgettable & exquisite Bakhoor using Agarwood chips or powder & premium perfume oil made in France. Each batch is prepared with love

brown ceramic cup with smoke
brown ceramic cup with smoke

Contact Us

Contact us for inquiries or assistance


Aromakayu trading:

Company registration number

SSM: RA0081997-T

70450 Seremban. Negeri Sembilan. Malaysia

+601157540516 (Whatsapp,Call & SMS)